Conferences Cuesta Technologies Attends

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ASHA American Speech-Language-Hearing Association November 21-23, 2019 Orlando, FL
NCTE National Council of Teachers of English November 21-24, 2019 Baltimore, MD
NSTA National Science Teacher's Association December 12-14, 2019 Seattle, WA
ALA-Mid-Winter American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference January 24-28, 2020 Philadelphia, PA
FETC Florida Educational Technology Conference January 14-17, 2020

Miami, FL

TCEA Texas Computer Education Association Conference February 3-7, 2020 Austin, TX
Toy Industry Toy Industry Association Faire February 22-25, 2020 New York, NY
CUE Computer Using Educators Conference March 19-21, 2020 Palm Springs, CA
Toy Industry Toy Industry Association Faire February 17-20, 2020 New York, NY
NSTA National Science Teacher's Association Conference April 2-5, 2020 Boston, MA
NCTM National Council of Teachers of Mathematics April 3-6, 2020 San Diego, CA
SIIA EdTech/CODIE SIIA EdTech/CODIE May 18-19, 2020 San Francisco, CA
BookEXPO BookEXPO May 27-29, 2020 New York, NY
ALA Annual American Library Association Annual Conference June 25-30, 2020 Chicago, IL
ISTE International Society for Technology in Education July 28 - July 1, 2020 Anaheim, CA
NCSS National Council of Social Studies Teachers December 4-6, 2020

Washington, DC

See You There!

Client History: Tout About Toys -
Tout About Toys has a long history with Cuesta Technologies.  What you see today is a new e-commerce site with a brand-new look-and-feel. In 2013, Cuesta and Team TAT partnered once again to bring a plethora of new features and improved search functionality to the site.



We have been impressed 10 times over with Cuesta's accessibility and eagerness to quickly deliver an outstanding product.  Their hand-holding and support enabled us to launch the project on-time and within budget."

Bill Kahrs, Operations, Tout About Toys